Which exams provide an unofficial preliminary pass/fail result?
Exams P, FM and SRM provide an unofficial pass/fail result.
How do I receive my unofficial preliminary pass/fail result?
Please allow up to 24 hours after taking the exam to receive your preliminary result via email. Please also be sure to check your spam/junk folder in case the email filtered incorrectly. If you did not receive your score report from Prometric, you can use the Prometric Report Validation Portal to get a pdf copy of it. You will need to enter your exam confirmation number and your last name and then complete the captcha code, then click “Validate Score Report”.
When are exam grades released?
There is a grade release schedule available on the Exam Results page.
Where can I find my exam score?
You will be able to locate your exam score on your SOA transcript.
Can I get a score for each question on my FSA exams?
A question-by-question performance breakdown for your FSA exam will be included on your transcript the Friday after exam results are posted.
Can my exam be reviewed/regraded?
The results you receive on an exam are final. The SOA does not regrade exams. Candidates may request a technical review of their exam (only for FSA exams and PA, ALTAM and ASTAM). A technical review is a double-check to ensure that the scores received were transcript correctly into our database. Candidates are encouraged to wait for their performance breakdown and the model solutions to be released before requesting a technical review.
Once a technical review request is submitted, it can take approximately two weeks to receive the results.
When can I access past exams/solutions for my exam?
Past Exam and solutions are typically posted to the site within the first week of the month after results are posted to transcripts. Exams P, FM, FAM, SRM and GIINT will not be released.